Today as I write this my cousin and her children are here at our house for a visit. As we reminisce about our childhood and growing up in a small rural community, I recognized the need to understand where we've come from in order to understand where we're going in life. It is important to remember the lessons you've learned in your life and to not forget them as you face new challenges in the future.
In today's reading I see this same thing happening. Moses is reminding the Israelites of what has happened in their sojourn in the desert. What all the Lord has done for them since they left Egypt, the enemies they've defeated, the places they've visited, the history they've shared together as a people group. Moses is reminding the people of the rules God has given them, the blessings he promised them, and the consequences of when they've chosen not to follow the rules.
Isn't it just the same with us today? What value there is from us understanding God's order for our lives. We face suffering of all kinds and scripture tells us as a follower of God we should expect some suffering. But how much of my suffering is self-inflicted. Surely I don't set out to cause my self harm or hurt, but yet I've chosen to not follow God's orders. So why would I expect anything less than a mess and to experience some suffering as a result? As Moses prepares the Israelites to inherit God's promises and to move on into the next phase of their life, they must crystallize their learning and experiences so as to remember God's provision and act accordingly as they face new challenges.
In today's hectic world I have a challenge of not slowing down enough to reflect on what it is I am learning. I can become distressed at times because I get caught up in action only to realize I've neglected to learn from the actions. My distress comes from the fact that I realize I've made the same mistake multiple times without attempting to do something about it or grow from it.
Moses summarizes his intent in Deut 4: 9- "Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them."
I mentioned how my cousin is visiting. She is grown with two children of her own and I have two kids as well. All of us are together this weekend. And I recognize even more the value of transferring the learning to the next generation. God has really placed this on my heart lately and convicted me that my primary role in this world is to bring Glory to Him through discipleship of my family. How can I disciple them without a firm understanding of where I've come from and an idea of the destination I'm heading towards? Not only do they need to know what it means to be a member of the Bishop Family, but more importantly they need to know what it means to be a member of the King's family.
Deut 6:7-9 is becoming more clear for me in its importance. Yet is still unclear to me in its application to my family and my role as the Spiritual head of our family. Lord help me interpret this to what you want me to do with our family to help them learn about our past, our present and our future hope in You. Help me disciple them according to your will that they may see you as their Heavenly Father and Savior.