After reading the Bible cover to cover I don't presume to be able to summarize everything God has taught me... but here are a few.
- HE can always be trusted.
- HE will always provide for my needs (but not always my wants).
- ALL things work together for His purposes... ALL Things!
- HE is always speaking to me... it is me who chooses to listen (or not!)
- I really stink at relational prayer with God... though I'm quite good at giving him my list of demands!
- Though the world seems out of control right now... HE is always in control.
- I need Him... now, today and every day!
One of the disciplines I've enjoyed from this experience is the process of journaling on-line. This blog has been an accountability tool (Thanks Dr. Matt for keeping me honest and on track) as well as a self-reflection exercise. I've always been told to speak as if you're being recorded and write as if it may be published... in some regards this is the purpose of this journal. I am being recorded and published and most importantly I'm pouring my thoughts out to God and his image(s) here on Earth - which is YOU!
For that reason, I've changed the name of my blog.... You'll notice it is not called "Hearing God's Voice." The 90 days may have ended... but God has so much more to say... Stay Tuned. He's only just begun.