
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What do they say after the event is over?

Last night in Bible Study Fellowship I was challenged. And I can't get it off my mind. We're currently studying the Life of Moses. We were discussing the role that Moses' parent's played in his protection from Pharaoh's infanticide orders. The principle was that "Faith always allows you to play an important role in God fulfilling His plans."

The leader went on to ask a question to make the application of the principle. "For whose glory are you participating in activities for?" You see... we often accept the responsibility to serve with the wrong motives. We seek the praise or accolades and are disappointed because they are not given or misappropriated to someone else. Yet, if we accepted these requests "in faith" that means we truly are agreeing that God should receive the Glory and not ourselves. So if you can't answer this question by saying that you intend to give God the glory... then you really aren't serving in faith.

And as if this wasn't enough, the teaching leader went on to ask... " 'After the event is over, what do the other people say? Do they say, Wow! God really showed up here!" Or do they say, " Wow, Jim really did a good job on that one?" UGH! That one hit home. While I would hope they would see God, I recognize all too often I'm concerned about my image or how I'm being perceived by those I'm serving. This points out my lack of faith in serving. . . and I'm so embarrassed to admit it.

Lord, please work a mighty miracle in me and change my attitude. Help me get out of the way so the men in BSF can see more of You and less of me. The same goes for my family, my friends, my coworkers, and my friends... help them all see more of You because of my service... and help me get out of the way.

Thank you David, for showing me more about what servant leadership is like... and truly last night "God really showed up!"

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